Wax Worms

Galleria Mellonella

If you’re looking to catch the eye of a few new fish this ice fishing season, try putting a fresh coat of wax worms on the end of your line. These little grubs are the perfect icebreaker when you want to get up close and personal with your next catch of the day.

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Crappie, panfish, perch, and trout.


  • Also known as bee moths.
  • These creamy white worms have soft, grublike bodies and are dry to the touch.
  • Popular ice fishing bait in the northern U.S. and Canada.
  • Refrigeration optional
  • Healthy for many reptiles and fish.
  • Chemical-free; safe for feeding to pets.

How to Keep Your Bait in Great Shape

You are going to want to keep your wax worms at around 45-65° F for maximum shelf life. Since most refrigerators are usually kept around 40° F, we recommend you stick your wax worms in a crisper or butter tray, no moisture is needed for wax worms. Or, just keep them at room temperature. You don’t need to feed your wax worms. In their larva state, they live off their own body fat.

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